Johanna Vanderpol is a visionary who is putting
into action her part in contributing to the unification of the globe.
Johanna envisions a world where everyone is contributing their unique gift to
the wellness of the human race, where we work together to create a world free
from the extremes of wealth and poverty, prejudices, inequalities and injustice.
Since 1991, Johanna has owned and operated a business as a consultant
specializing in all aspects of computerized accounting systems. Since 1999, she
has been researching and speaking on Emotional Intelligence and her business has
evolved into coaching and consulting services to help clients achieve their
visions by developing their unique potential. The business has become very
successful as a result of her recognizing the fact that emotions of the owners
and employees of the business played a key role in its success or failure.
Johanna has been able to develop coaching strategies to help her clients move
through and manage this unclear and sometimes vulnerable space.
Johanna provides workshops and is currently continuing her research in the field
of emotional intelligence and how it can be incorporated into all aspects of
society, including the education curriculum and the workplace. She lives in
Cowichan Bay, British Columbia, Canada with her sixteen-year old son.
Johanna Vanderpol
January 08 - Life Directions Intensive Conference, Vancouver, BC - one of 30
life coaches assisting audience of 400 for 4 days
January 08 - presentation to book club, Langley, BC
February 08 - focus on starting second book, increasing coaching practice and
promoting speaking engagements
March 08 - tele-speaker, Coachville an online community of 70,000 coaches
April 13/08 - spoke to women's gathering of 30 on 5-step method of processing
April 22/08 - speaking at Bolen Books, Victoria, BC about my book
May 10/08 - speaking at Regional Toastmasters Conference, Nanaimo, BC on RHUME™
model of EI
May 28/08 - speaking to Organizational Development group on EI and the model in
my book
A year beginning with designing new programs and further researching the exciting field of authentic happiness, positive psychology and emotional intelligence.
February 07 - book presentation - CMHA
March 07 - personal development week, presented international teleclasses
April 07 - one day workshop, attracting Law of Attraction using emotions, Cowichan Bay, BC
May to July 07 - monthly workshops on Law of Attraction and Emotional Acumen
July 07 - seminar, Tofino, BC
July to November - off with a shattered elbow (ouch)
November 07 - teaching Monday evening 4 week program on Honouring Your Emotions at Malaspina College
January 18/06 - seminar, Café Matisse, Duncan, BC
January 21/06 - one day workshop, Camp Narnia, Shawnigan Lake, BC
February 20/06 - keynote speaker, North Vancouver Writers Association
March 21/06 - keynote speaker, Probus (retired business professionals), Duncan, BC
April 5/06 - presentation, Rotary Club, Duncan, BC, 48 attended
April 10/06 - seminar, Volume One Bookstore, Duncan, BC
April 24/06 - guest speaker, Psychology Class, Maxwell International Baha'i School
June 27/06 - seminar, Cowichan Family Life at Alexander Family Resource Centre, Duncan, BC
September 23, 24/06 - booth and presenter at the 12th Annual BC Women's Show in Victoria, BC, 8,000 to 10,000 people attend the show each year
October 13/06 - presentation, Rotary Club, Duncan, BC
October 20/06 - live broadcast as keynote speaker at conference in Ontario to educators of gifted children.
Book distribution: (online) -,,, (Duncan, BC) - Gallowglass Books Ltd., Volume 1 Books, Wishes, (Victoria) Munro's, at presentations, VIRL, Vancouver Public Library, West Vancouver Memorial Library, Banyan Books, Vancouver. Dempsey Distributing, Vancouver.
Monthly Emotional Intelligence Newsletter to subscribers (can sign up on website)
The Citizen, Duncan BC - November 2005
The News Leader, Duncan BC - July 2006
Shaw Cable - The Daily, Duncan BC - April 2006
November 16/05 - book launch, full house, Mellowside Jazz & Arts Lounge, Cowichan Bay, BC
November - Initial Book Launch of First Edition of Honouring Your Emotions:
Why it Matters was an outstanding success. People were literally lining the
hallways. Standing room was full. Sixty-six percent of people who attended the
book launch bought the book. A wonderful and uplifting event for all.
November - Gave a workshop on Honouring Your Emotions at a retreat on Vancouver Island called "Women Inspiring Women"
October & November - Published the Feature Article, Part I & II on "Children's Emotional Intelligence and their Physical Health"
in "Children of the New Earth" magazine.
October - Published print version of my book titled Honouring Your Emotions:
Why it Matters. Now available for purchase on my website on the
products page.
September - published an article entitled Increasing Positive Emotions through
Emotional Intelligence in Synergy, a magazine dedicated to body, mind &
spirit. See
September - published an article entitled Helping Our Kids Develop Their
Emotional Intelligence Through Art in Northumberland Kids, a magazine based in
First Half of Year - preparation to relocate from Ontario to British Columbia,
Canada. Drove 6,000 km across the country with my son to settle on lovely
Vancouver Island, BC. - a test to my own emotional intelligence and resilience
and a wonderful success story for the - the easiest major transition I have
ever made attributed to honouring my emotions and pace.
Completed first book in e-book format in May titled Honouring Your Emotions:
Why it Matters. Now available for purchase on my website on the support page. Print copy coming
Taught Raise Your Emotional Intelligence seminars at The Learning Annex,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada in March, April, May.
Gave Lecture to students at Trent University on Emotional Intelligence: A Psychospiritual Perspective in February and November.
Taught Jumpstart Your Emotional Intelligence teleclasses, a four-week series in October.
Created Jumpstart Your Emotional Intelligence audio series
available for purchase on my website on the support page.
Created Raise Your Emotional Intelligence - a 21 day e-mail self-coaching program
available for purchase on my website on the support page.
Completed the 24 week training program to become a Certified Coach in the
Authentic Happiness Program from Dr. Martin Seligman at the University of
Developing programs on 15 EI competencies and 5 step method of processing
emotions in virtual and live forms.
Completed first book in e-book form called Honouring Your Emotions: Why It
Matters (it’s at the editor’s).
Guest Speaker: 50 Debt Counselors, Barrie, Ontario, Canada.
One day workshop, Spirituality Centre, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada.
Guest Speaker: 100 Probus members, Burlington, Ontario Canada.
Taught course on EI at Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada.
Attended the Coaching Intensive Conference in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Took two university courses on Emotional Intelligence.
Guest Speaker: 200 Principals at York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Guest Speaker: 75 Mental Health Professionals Conference, Michigan, USA,
Attended International Conference on Emotional Intelligence, San Francisco.
Exploring and applying research on Emotional Intelligence since 1998.