what happens when emotions go wrong

So, what really does happen when we have inaccurate belief systems driving our emotions? Or negative judgments about our emotions? Or what happens when we deny, supress or repress our emotions? A message is being blocked that tells us of a certain need we have. And that need is not getting the attention that it needs to be filled.

When a message underlying an emotion is not satisfactorily addressed, you can develop physical illnesses ranging from a mild headache or digestive problem to more life altering illnesses such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, eating disorders, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, self abuse (cutting), phobias and addictions including alcohol, sex, relationships and gambling. And another of society’s most difficult problems that is occurring with increasing regularity and intensity is violence.

So, what is really going on here? A lot has been written about these illnesses, but most of what has been written does not take into account that the root of these problems is emotional in nature. If you don’t know the main reason for the problem, solutions are slow and costly in coming about. Some solutions may have some impact, but progress is slow because the root cause is not being addressed. This is happening in mainstream medical programs.

In our society, any deviation from feeling well is called an illness or disease. This type of labelling alone has judgmental undertones that cause us to experience further unpleasant emotions, albeit unconsciously. We are sick; therefore, we are bad or defective or inferior in some way. This feeling in turn undermines our ability to look for a solution that would return our body to balance. And it could further cause us to feel a sense of hopelessness.

The body is an organism that has been designed to have all of the elements inside it flowing. When the flow of any of these elements is restricted or obstructed, an imbalance results. When an emotion is felt, consciously or unconsciously, it is felt in the body. When the emotion is restricted from moving, it restricts the natural flow of the elements. If this situation is not corrected, an imbalance results which usually manifests in physical form. If it happens once in a while for short periods of time, the body can adjust to that. If it occurs frequently and is chronic, it is a pattern that results in chronic patterns of imbalance. Chronic fatigue syndrome is a good example.

Let’s take a brief look at some imbalances. Looking at these challenges is the first step to not having them.

What has happened for depression to occur? In some rare cases, the biochemistry of the body is altered by a purely physical malfunction that results in depression. But, most of the time, the biochemistry of the body is altered by a combination of elements, a majority of them, emotional in nature. There is much research and much written on the topic of depression. The area I am focussing on is the area that is just beginning to be explored now in the sciences. And it is recognizing and changing this emotional arena with its underlying belief systems that is bringing the most effective results yet to date.

Depression occurs when you feel hopeless about a situation. You don’t like the situation and feel like it is permanent and that you don’t have the ability to change it. It leaves you feeling powerless and hopeless. It could be a quality within yourself that you don’t like. It could be one or a combination of external events. It could be a long-standing frustration that does not change no matter what you do or that you don’t even have the time to work on it. It can proceed on a very submerged level, so much so that you are not really aware of what is going on. But this can be changed....

(an excerpt from Chapter 3 of
Honouring Your Emotions - Why It Matters
by Johanna Vanderpol)

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